Shipping & Export
How to order delivery within Sweden (only from our KONKURSTORGET district offices):
- Send us an email
- Confirm the order and pay the invoice.
When you have won the item and received an invoice,
you can order delivery from KONKURSTORGET district office. Send an email to the freight manager for your item and state the item’s number, user name and delivery address.
KONKURSTORGET will send an invoice to your email address on the final delivery and eventual packaging costs.
Items can only be shipped when both the shipping invoice and the invoice of purchased auction items have been paid. Please, pay the invoice promptly for quick handling.

For assistance with delivery and prices to other places than our office, see first if freight is avalible for the item, then please contact the item's account manager. Contact information of the account manager is specified in the item’s description.
Does your company have a customer number at DHL, Schenker or Posten?
In connection with your shipping booking with us, state your customer number at the freight company. KONKURSTORGET will send an invoice to your email address with the packaging cost and a handling cost (100 SEK excluding VAT), and the items will be shipped only when the invoice is paid.
Fee will be charged if the item has not been sent/picked up on time
Items that haven’t been picked up from KONKURSTORGET Auction on time will be charged a storage fee of 500 SEK excluding VAT per day and item. The storage fee is charged regardless of whether the item should be sent with a freight company or picked up by a buyer. The freight company will charge a terminal fee if the item hasn’t been picked up on time (after 4 days), see prices of the respective freight company.
KONKURSTORGET is not responsible for the items during transit, but we can help you by providing information if in the unlikely event your items have been damaged or lost.
Has your item been damaged? File a complaint to and include information about the purchase as well as delivery. Do not forget to attach photos of the damaged item.
Export within EU
The bidder is a company
The company must have avalid VAT-number
Swedish VAT are deposited on bids prior to collection.
Upon presentation of the export documents within 2 weeks, the deposit is refunded. Please fill out the following form:
- Swedish VAT is included on bids and bidding fees alike.
- Deposit.
- Vehicles for export.
Please note! Exports of vehicles require a turnaround time of approximately . 2 weeks.
Special terms and fees of Swedish-registered vehicles for export
Export of vehicle
The buyer needs to have a valid VAT number.
Swedish license plates will be removed, which after the vehicle needs to be transported or provided with temporary license plates.
Buyer can apply for temporary license plates by filling out a form from the Swedish Transport Agency.
These plates will be sent to KONKURSTORGET Auction. The fee of this temporary registration is 1 000 SEK.
Handling will take about 14 days by the Swedish Transport Agency.
Swedish VAT shall be paid on both bids + purchase fee.
The depostion as well as the Swedish VAT will be paid back when the buyer has submitted documents showing that the vehicle has been exported from Sweden.
The buyer has to submit these documents within 14 days from the date of the invoice.
Please fill out the following form where you state your bank details as well attaching the above mentioned export documents.
Swedish license plates will be removed, which after the vechicle needs to be transported or provided with temporary license plates. Buyer can apply for temporary license plates by filling out a form from the Swedish Transport Agency. These plates will be sent to KONKURSTORGET. The fee of this temporary registration is 1 000 SEK. Handling will take about 14 days by the Swedish Transport Agency.
Swedish VAT shall be paid on both bids + purchase fee.
Export of items
Whether or not a vehicle or machine sold at KONKURSTORGET Auction can be exported from Sweden is shown in the respective advertisement description. If the vehicle can be exported, different rules apply depending on which country you wish to export to and if you do so as a private person or company.
VAT rules
To be able to purchase an item VAT free at KONKURSTORGET Auction from another EU country the following is required:
The buyer has a valid VAT number
The buyer can demonstrate in writing that the item has been brought out of Sweden
To be able to purchase an item VAT free at KONKURSTORGET Auction from countries outside the EU is required
The buyer can demonstrate in writing that the item has been brought out of Sweden
At KONKURSTORGET Auction, Swedish VAT is deposited on winning bids. The deposit is refunded upon presentation of valid export documents.
Valid documents within the EU are, for example, CMR (freight bill with truck), registration certificate in the new country, temporary movement permits or other evidence that the item has been permanently removed from Sweden.
Valid documents for export outside the EU are customs documents or proof of registration in the new country.
However, if someone else is going to pick up your item, you must approve the item you purchased before picking it up and send in a proxy for the person to pick up. A proxy can be emailed to us.
Please fill out the following form where you state your bank details as well as attach the above-mentioned export documents.
For more information on export rules, see our terms of purchase.
For more information, email